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Defence system in a sentence

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Sentence count:36+1Posted:2019-02-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: defense systemmissile defense systemguidance systemsurveillance systemprice systemcaste systemdefencefile systemMeaning: n. the weaponry available for the defense of a region. 
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31. It is undeniable that there was such a career named "Song Shi" as a lawyer, and some system as law agent and defence system, but these differ evidently from the career and system of lawyers in nature.
32. But surprisingly, plants use this latter defence system only half - heartedly.
33. The air defence system will be consisting of Giraffe AMB radars, command stations, communications equipment, air defence missile equipment, Mistral-missiles and training equipment.
34. The decision to go ahead with an expanded missile defence system to cover all NATO countries is a response to the spread of ballistic missiles capable of reaching alliance territory.
35. Also helps to and strengthen the skin's natural defence system, protecting it irritants and environmental stress.
36. It is China's first modernised low - and very low - altitude air defence system.
More similar words: defense systemmissile defense systemguidance systemsurveillance systemprice systemcaste systemdefencefile systemwage systemphone systemcase systembrake systemcomplete systemsewage systemimmune systemself-defencedefencelessin defence ofsoftware systemmultiple systemcommittee systemdrainage systemline of defencedefence policyendocrine systemdigestive systemobjective systemhealth care systemcollective systemcoordinate system
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